Saturday, August 10, 2013

Year 2 in Review

The Heaslip Homestead School 2012-13

One year flew by so quick. Here's a quick recap and some reflections on our 2nd year of Homeschooling.

We began our studies early last year (Mid August) because the baby was due in October and I foresaw some vacation days for the boys. Conveniently the boys began soccer at the same time.


Another significant part of August was the arrival of 2 Korean Students who were with us for 7 weeks. Kate and Emma. We enjoyed learning more about Korea from these 2 very interesting girls.




Carter was in Senior Kindergarten - he mastered his numbers and alphabet, colours, basic skills like cutting, pasting, matching, the months of the year and days of the week, he excelled in gym (track & field, basketball, soccer & ball hockey) He was also an avid participant in the Mad Science classes.

Maxwell was in grade 2. Some days were a struggle to finish his Language Arts program, and reading was like pulling teeth. He did very well in Math (focusing on adding and subtracting multi-digit factors), Bible and Handwriting. He also enjoyed anything that involved social interaction like our field trips, athletics, science, co-op days, etc)

Lucas was in grade 3. He excelled in most subjects. He mastered multiplication in math especially involving finance. He also did very well in Language Arts and has become an avid reader, finishing novels in record time. He does not particularly excel in group endeavors, preferring to be "in charge", then one of the team. He did very well in Basketball however.

Our typical day started with breakfast and cartoons. The TV was off by 8:30/ 9 am and we eventually started our sea twork. Math U See Math was daily (Primer, Beta and Gamma), Language Arts and Bible were also daily. Phonics, Handwriting and Spelling were alternating days. We were usually done seat work by noon and History, Geography, Science and Unit Studies were weekly in the afternoons. (Actually sometimes history was daily - thanks to Story of the World Audio CD's played in the van). We participated in weekly hikes/ field trips especially in the fall, and of course athletics, gym/ craft days, etc.

The day after our first field trip to pick apples, I went into the hospital and came home with the sweetest thing. Elaina Grace has been our main subject of study this past year.

A Year in Pics... 

Typical Afternoon, boys in the sandbox, mom and baby in the garden.
 Autumn...Fall is fast and furious. A flurry of activities and all the programs starting at once. Lot's of company, lot's of fun to do. Lot's of beauty to see and definitely lots to learn.

Hiking, Hiking and More Hiking. Love Niagara's trails.
 The boys waited all summer to go on the ropes course at Safari Niagara. 
We finally squeezed it in on Closing Day.

Our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch.

A trip to the Welland Canal Center 

A trip to the Jordan Beaver Pond 

Celebrating Christmas with Our Little Co-Op



Area Homeschool Network Christmas Celebration (Gym and Craft Day) 

WINTER...definitely slower than the previous months. Sometimes it seems to stretch out forever. Fortunately we can do our best to get as much school work done during these quiet months so when late spring and summer come...we're ready to PLAY!

Planning our Family Trip South for March Break
Lot's of suggles, especially when daddy takes a day off.
Lot's of time for Baking...


 Winter fun with Friends...

Lucas perfected his oatmeal recipe.


Hosting Superbowl PartyThe boys helped plan, pick out the decorations and set up for this. 

Valentine's Day Lunch

Learning Javelin 

Family Vacation - South Carolina

Children's Museum


BMW Museum
Go Carts!!! 

Winter still wasn't slow enough for Elaina.
One thing we did regularly was the homeschoolers nature studies at Heartland Forest. I have no idea why I have no pictures. It was awesome.

SPRING...when we got home it was definitely starting to look like spring. We started Easter weekend with a hike.

Another international guest arrived, this time Dayanne from Columbia.
Learning to jump hurdles.

Earth Day at Ball's Falls

 Ball Hockey indoors and out.

Picking cherries on the roof of the shed.
The year ended in late June for us and we'll probably not be able to begin again until September the way the calendar falls for us this year. It was a great year for us. We didn't set unrealistic goals knowing that with a new baby there were too many "unknowns". We enjoyed life, and we enjoyed each other. We did our best to honour God in our home and lives and we're looking forward to another great year.

Some thoughts while looking ahead. Carter will be firmly in his learning to read program. Max will be tackling multiplication and Lucas needs to develop more of his writing skills. I'm hoping to have them all enrolled in Jubal Cottage this year as well as Science again - both start in October. They start soccer next week, Basketball in December and Cross Country this month. Indoor Track starts in November. Hopefully Heartland Forest will have a program in September too.

I'm considering French, Music Lessons (Guitar) and of course our small and large group activities. The Curriculum Outline will get posted in the next week or so. Having done this LONG year in review, I'll have to give some thought on how I'd like to utilize this blog this year :)