Mondays are difficult. We've been off schedule for 2 days, daddy has been home, lots of fun outings and odd jobs and we're just WAY off kilter Mondays. It's been a struggle everyweek. I've tried everything, not sure what to do...
Lucas (7 year old - gr 2)
Lucas fights me the most, on just about everything. He does not want to sit and do anything "learning related". Ever. He wants to be in charge of his whole day and all his time. He wants complete control of all the toys, the television and the Xbox (despite the fact that the last 2 items are off limits). He fights with all of us. I was somewhat prepared for his behaviour because of all the teacher meetings I had last year... but not really. I swear he would be done ALL of his work in 30 minutes if he'd just stop fighting it. It usually takes 3-4 hours with him. When I say fighting I mean, making loud noises, irritating or blatantly distracting his brothers or me, playing, leaving the room for a million useless reasons, doing the work wrong, on purpose...I've had to continuously discipline him - in every way imaginable. It's exhausting. But I am stubborn and HE WILL NOT WIN.
Maxwell (5 year old - gr 1)
Is usually much easier to work with. Usually. He's had his moments though. But generally he's eager to learn and just needs a little encouragement to keep at it. He's learning the most I think.
Carter (3 year old - JK)
Carter needs to learn the "least" so to speak. Even though its the "most" because it's all abstract - colours, shapes, numbers, letters, how to use scissors, etc. It's easy stuff, but he wants to do his stuff when the older two are in "school" and not when they are playing "after school". His stuff is very hands on. He's a smart little whippersnapper, but obviously has a very short attention span, so I feel like I'm constantly running from kid to kid, barely keeping it straight through the entire morning.
Our Days
Generally we get up. The boys are up uber early. They usually turn on the tv at 7 and watch til we roll out of bed around 7:30. They've usually eaten too. The students and the hubster are usually gone by 8. I walk around in a half daze making beds and tidying til my strong tea, or sometime coffee is ready. I usually check my daytimer, emails, etc. til 8;30/ 9 am and then we start with their Bible verses, prayer (this is ongoing for me esp) we go over the calendar, the weather & do a journal exercise. We read a poem every day for a week and do different things with it. We also read different stories everyday and the boys narrate back to me. Max and Lucas go over printing review, phonetics, grammar and have some work sheets, word games and copy work - they also read from their readers everyday out loud to me.
Then we switch over to Math u See. Both boys are very good at Math. But Max is more motivated. Lucas is in Alpha, Max in primer. They both started on lesson One - 4 weeks ago. Lucas is on lesson 8 and Max is on lesson 13. Ya.
Carter follows a workbook that reviews the basics, He's been doing shapes. Then I give him toys that have to do with shapes. The he does some Handwriting without Tears - working on numbers right now. Once in awhile I give him artistic stuff to do too. He's doing great.
After Math, some days they do health, geography or science. We've not incorporated much social studies yet. I've been maxed out after the above. However I'd really love to start incorporating more sstudies into our weeks.
The Rest of Our Day
We are USUALLY done by 11 or 12. If we start later (because I'm dreading dealing with Lucas) it's 12 or even 1. Most days its 12, even though we aim for 11. We've tried starting earlier. It's a tough call. Then we do lunch, chores, quiet time and/or outings.
We all love these. We've had quite a few despite the awful stretch of wet, yucky days.
Library Days
We avail ourselves of the public library every couple of weeks. They have books on CD/ tape; DVDs, craft and activity ideas and so much more that really helps us out.
Bi-monthly Hikes
Every other week, we meet with other homeschoolers (who are quickly becoming good friends too) to go on nature hikes/ studies. Our first turn out we went to a naturalization site. It was awesome, and great exercise.
Our little Nu2HSchooling Group also organizes mini field trips. We went to an Apple Orchard one afternoon as well.
Friendly watchman.
We participate in the Niagara Home Educators Association (NHEA)
They have parent nights once a month. love them. A necessity.
They have lots of other stuff, we're getting our feet wet slowly.
They also have bi-monthly (2x at month) GYM DAYS. Love them too.
Our lives are much more simple now. Much more peaceful and we're grateful for the changes. We're loving this new season despite its challenges and looking foward to all that this year holds in store for us.
Mama T
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