Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Home Schooling Highlights - January 2012

January was a pretty good month. We eased into our schedule again after the New Year. We took about a week to get the house cleaned up and organized. I also used the time to fill in the boys records and evaluations from the fall semester.

We basically hit the ground running even though I've had to modify our content until I am able to order our new components in Math and History.


Last semester Max ripped through the Math U See - Primer, so I have to get a second Alpha workbook, and Lucas only has 3 weeks left in Alpha before I need to start him in Beta.

Language Arts

I've tried to get moving in All About Spelling with the boys, but it's been hard to get them to stay focused on "sit down" work - basically anything that's not on the computer or lego related. We've been doing the minimum and I'm aiming to increase the workload over the next month.

Weve struggled, but persevered in journal writing almost everyday. Lucas took it a step further and wrote several chapters to create a book. He was very proud that our house has a "7 year old author - can you believe it mommy!?"


We've been motoring through our History component - History of the World Ancient Times. It's our 2nd time through and I'm just waiting on the work book to do some activities with the boys as they love history.

We usually just listen to this book on audio in the van as we are travelling to and from everything. The boys have also enjoyed Adventures in Odyssey during these trips too.

On the Computer

We've spent some time on which has been great to track and inspire more reading for the boys.

Overall, I'm still happy with our progress and I have managed to get more done with Carter (JK) this month too, though not as much as I'd like.

Physical Education

We've had gym days and the older 2 boys are full swing in Basketball this month with Upward Sports. I love the program because they foster strong integrity and team work as with a big focus on skills. Lucas' team is the Stingrays and Max's is the Stingers. Yes it gets confusing :) but they are having fun, meeting new friends (as am I) and learning a lot.

Carter makes friends on the sidelines each week but he can't wait til he can play in Sept.

Aren't the cheerleader cute? I think I'll be volunteering to coach next year.


We've joined the homeschool skating group held in Ridgeway each week. It's a bit of a drive for us, but we enjoy it as the boys get a significant history session in the van.

We also got a real treat this month in going to the free skate at the Rink at the Brink in Niagara Falls. The kids absolutely loved it, and so did I.


We went tobogganing on a Saturday with Daddy and Christy at White Meadows Farms which is a Maple Syrup farm. We are hoping to go on a Maple Syrup tour like last year, but this crazy up and down weather might make that difficult.