Way back in August I made a plan to start early so we could take off the whole month of December (I think I read about another home schooling family doing this and thought it was a great idea). We actually didn't take off most of the planned days off through the fall (Fridays and around Thanksgiving) so technically we could have taken more off, but I figured, why mess with what's working. So we had school until the 2nd Monday in December and took the rest off. Then after New Years I decided to take a week to get the house back in order (and my head).
Now THAT was a brilliant idea. First of all, I've been totally relaxed and able to get the house in order - Christmas cleaned up, scary areas organized, mount laundry conquered, you know. that stuff...
Anyways, here we are Wednesday of January week One, and now all I have left is the usual house clean (nasty bathrooms and floors) and then I can tackle the homeschooling plan. I need to revise going into this semester. For one thing, the boys are WAY ahead in Math (as in finished what I had planned for the year) and moderately behind in language arts... and well Carter, I just have to figure out how to move him along.
At least my "work" goal is finished (cooking 30 dinners (for non family) in 90 days for Saladmaster, took a great deal of my energy through the fall, and I'm so happy to be able to give the boys and HS my full attention now.
Anyways, December was not a complete wash, there were many highlights...
Carter's 4th bday and having a truckload of friends over meant...
The NHEA homeschool support group Christmas Party helped with...

(plus socialization, gym time and arts and crafts)
Lot's of free time meant lots of games which meant...

MATH SKILLS and Sportsmanship

Our annual trek to the Niagara on the Lake Christmas Parade meant

Our annual trek to see the Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls meant...
Visiting an older relative meant...
A new family tradition of ice skating meant...
Anyways, we're looking forward to getting into a new groove this semester but December sure was a blast.