Monday, August 6, 2012

July 2012

July in Niagara was HOT. It was HUMID. For us, it was also a tiny bit busy, mostly on the front end. Then it slowed right down, and it's stayed that way into August. We are on Summer hiatus from Homeschooling, but I still wanted to track what we've been up to since we're starting school again next Monday. We're starting early because we only occupy a couple hours a day with school, and we all need the ORDER in our days again. Also, because it's only a few hours (especially since we gradually work our way up to a full schedule by September) since it's only a few hours, the boys still get to have ALOT of fun with the rest of their days. 

The other reason we're starting early is because we like to take 0an entire month off around Christmas since daddy gets time off work too, and this year, October will be an iffy month as well, with a new baby due on the 4th. So, an early start it is. 

July was taken up primarily with 3 events. The first was a trip to a cottage that my mother in law rented at Braeside Camp. It was a happy few days spent mostly in the pool. 

The dog insisted she would fit in the packed van, she DID NOT want to be left behind....but she was.

 It was such a cute and cozy little place.

The boys were excited to sleep in the loft.
 We enjoyed meals on the deck, when it wasn't sweltering :)
Max enjoying bubble time.
 Carter practising his "steamy" look.
 Lucas enjoying poolside time.
The kids enjoyed going to the kids program in the mornings, while we enjoyed the services.

You know they had fun, when this is how they look on the way home.

The second was a solid run of a few miscellaneous events all in one week.

Lucas spent a few days with Geepa Jim. The other 2 boys get their stay with geepa in August.

 We tried making peach jam, it's more of a syrup.

We enjoyed daddy's baseball games, and more importantly when he won, we had icecream!

 Family picnic at Charles Daly Park by the lake.
 Chris' cousin's wedding reception (they were married in NYC in the spring)

 The newly weds.
Geepa Jim and Nana Jo.

The third major event was our annual Crazy Moms Camping trip. This year we splurged since it was our 5th year, and we've roughed it in some pretty dumpy places. This year we found a deal (thanks Sheri) to Bissel's Hideaway. We think we've found our forever CMCT home. It's more like a resort. Clean bathrooms, garbage cleared every day from the sites, awesome pool, etc for everyone. Just perfect.

 Next year we may even upgrade from tents to cabins.

Prepping meals is fun with other moms. Here's me with Jessica watching,
it was her first year with us. It think she'll be back :)

Dining tent...before it blew away.

 An absolute necessity.

 Prepping breakfast.

The pool. 

 The kids.
 In their natural state.
 One of our yummy meals.
 Campfire time.
 The moms.
 The Heaslips.
 The Betetta's... not sure where Mateo was...
 The Batourins.
 The Taylor's (my Jodi - we're the only 2 to have gone all five years :)

As I said before, the sign of a good trip, is conked out kids... sigh, 
except I had to unload the van alone :)

Anyways, that was our main points of July, not to negate the arrival of our students from Korea, swim dates, splashpads and lazy days at home... That's what summer's all about, now I'm going to go and squeeze in a few more swimdates before we run out of time :) 

How's your summer been?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Homeschooling Highlights - June

June flew by in a hot flurry this year! Here are the highlights:

The boys finished their core subjects in the first week of June. Then they found a froggy friend and decided to study and make him a new habitat in an old bucket. Then they set him free, but afterwards regretted it because "they missed him".

We braved the crowds at Marineland a couple more times before we decided to take a break til late August/ September. The Beluga's were particularly playful during our first visit.

Mommy cannot handle the spinning rides on a good day, let alone when she's 
pregnant, so she was glad that the boys could go on most without an adult!

Beautiful rainbow in our front yard one day. 

We went on a field trip to Chocolate FX, the chocolate factory just around the corner on 4 Mile Creek Road. Yumm!

The boys got to bring home all the chocolately treats they made.

Then we went on a visit with our small home school group (we really need to turn this into a co-op) at Happy Rolf's. It was the first time we'd visited since they did all the renovations. It looks amazing!


We went to the final gym day at the splashpad/ park with our NHEA friends. What a blast playing soccer and visiting on a gorgeous day.

Mom purged the homeschool storage areas (and needs to again). Mom also finished up the record keeping for the year.

We started this Science curriculum for the summer while we visit Safari Niagara with our passes.

We ordered and received our curriculum choices for next year.

...And we worked in the veggie gardens, ALOT.


Getting ready for the Sunflowers in the back two plots of the garden. The Rhubarb and Horseradish are already overabundant!

Cucumbers, Kale, Cabbage, Beans and Pumpkins.

Strawberries and our first harvest.

The boys' Corn.

Anyways, we're looking forward to July and the rest of the summer with visits to the beach, camping, grandma's cottage, visitors from Korea and more. I just hope we have more "down" days to rest at home than we did in June! ☺